
"High Achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation." - Charles Kettering

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Board Packet Finally Available for Tonight's Meeting at 6 PM in the Board and Training Center

Click on the link below to access the board packet for tonight's board meeting I sent an email to the board and district administrator wondering if since the meetings are now on Wednesdays, couldn't they post the packets on Monday to enable the citizens to digest the information and ask questions of the administration and board prior to the meetings, particularly for the press. Jerry responded, "Past practice is to post Board packets the day of a Board meeting.  Our timelines are very tight to complete the board packets.  I do not anticipate making a change at this time."  I wrote the email in full knowledge that the board had access to their packets on Thursday, so this is a load of hogwash. Last month it was available on Tuesday afternoon. I included in my email a carrot about "It’s possible that you would increase the chances of citizen participation if the packets were posted with sufficient time to properly process the data." Apparently, this is not a priority. Too bad. Well, I have to go digest data now, so hope to see you at the meeting tonight. ~M


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