I know this is not hot off the presses, but Evansville could be in the same budget deficit boat soon, so it is
relevant to review the anatomy of a 10 million dollar hole in a school district budget. Given our community is about a tenth the size of
Janesville, one could extrapolate that budget holes an order of magnitude lower than
Janesville could loom for the
Click on the post to review the courses on the bubble In
Janesville. Strikingly absent from consideration, as on parent stated in the article referenced in the link below, are cuts to athletics. I'm sure the rationale here is that cuts of teachers will get them to their desired end result quicker. But when a district goes for the jugular on instruction without forcing the entire district to feel some pain, some are inclined to believe that there are sacred cows that will not be considered for reduction or elimination. When more than a tenth of your budget is involved, nobody gets to be a sacred cow. Suck it up and bleed from every
orifice, I say.
http://www.gazettextra.com/news/2011/feb/09/janesville-school-district-cut-65-million/The link below gives the Gazettes' view of how the district got in this pickle. Stunningly absent from consideration is the analysis of how the recent addition of 4K contributed to their woes. I'm pretty sure that's because the Gazette is glaringly pro-4K. If a little district like Evansville would have to pony up over a quarter of a million dollars to implement 4K, it's probably safe to assume that it cost
Janesville 2.5 to 3 million dollars up front. The "break even point" in the Evansville plan is experienced in about year 3, with an expected increase in revenue of $322,000 after expenses are considered going forward from year 4.
Janesville began their 4K program in 2007, this is the year they begin to "profit" from the program. Given the dictatorial style of our new governor, I am skeptical that funding for 4K will remain in the state budget and where will they be then? Probably 5 or 6 million dollars deeper in the hole. Even worse, the link below gives a tepid endorsement for 4K, from my perspective.
http://www.gazettextra.com/news/2011/feb/13/has-janesvilles-4k-program-helped/This excerpt from the article is why I remain unconvinced that 4K will solve all the problems laid at its doorstep.
"It's not that 4K has been proved to work,
Politifact said, but
Grothman claimed that research shows that it doesn't work, and
that is still in dispute.
Politifact cited W. Steven Barnett of the National Institute for Early Education Research at Rutgers University, who wrote in 2009:
"Not only have small-scale programs in well-controlled studies demonstrated solid, long-term effects, but large-scale public programs also have been found to produce persistent impacts on children's learning and development, showing that all children benefit."
Barnett referred to an analysis of dozens of studies to back up his contention."
But where are these "dozens of studies"? Not in Milwaukee, I'm sure. They have had 4K in Milwaukee for 20 years. It hasn't done squat for them. One negative
data point surely doesn't spoil the entire experiment, but the biggest district in Wisconsin has failed miserably at providing a successful 4K program. What makes the other 4K programs better? Presumably, it's all based on the same state curriculum. Presumably, they have the same goals for the program. In what way do all the proponents of universal 4K propose to do it differently so positive results can be seen?
Janesville admits that there are no data to indicate the results of their 4K program either way since they don't do the testing until 3rd grade. This is a serious problem with social programs in general and educators specifically. They simply are clueless when it comes to design of experiment. They do not set clear measurable goals and designate how they will demonstrate progress. If they plan to use the results from the impotent
WKCE as the proof positive that they did the right thing, I am very sorry for their school board. That was
asinine. The
WKCE is not an indication of competence but rather watered down evaluation tool put into place to placate the requirements of Bush's
NCLB (No child left behind) legislation. Good grief, after all the years 4K has been around, there is no data from well-controlled studies that show "
SHAZAM 4K is a MIRACLE! Saints be praised." That's because the data don't exist and 4K is not a do-all, end-all panacea for whatever ails education. Continuing to look for such data is a waste of time. Yes, 4K is useful for a particular section of the population. That doesn't mean that it should be a universal right of all students, just like Head Start is not a universal right, but a privilege for those who are in need. Identify the students in need and get them into a 4K program. Likely, they need 2 and 3K as well. I'm just
sayin'. Concern for targeted students suffering from low self-esteem, while a worthy one, should not require universal 4K to adequately address that concern. Get creative, for God's sake.
Most of all, get realistic. While it irks me more than anybody that the illustrious
UW Madison (and others I'm sure, it's just that I read an article to this effect last year about
UW Madison) has PLENTY of money to hand out for athletic scholarships but not enough to provide money for all the Merit Scholars who wish to attend their school, I sadly have concluded that education is NOT a priority for our state, our country or our world. The pot of money is going to dwindle. If you want your kid to get certain services, seek them yourself. The days of the government recognizing educational needs and providing them are over. What that means to public education is
any body's guess, but let the games begin.